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Proof Reading and Fact CheckingYour message may be perfect in terms of its technical accuracy, but if it contains spelling or grammar mistakes, you won't be taken as seriously as you should be. People will question your credibility. Of course, word processors have spell checkers built in, but they can only do so much. They can't tell the difference between there, their and they're, for instance, or to, too and two. You also need to make sure your facts are accurate, particularly given the current level of accusations of fake news. If you're running a restaurant and you're launching a vegan menu based on the fact that you've heard that there are 25% more vegans than there were last year, you need to know that the 25% figure that you're quoting is correct. I can go through your words to make sure that they are error free. I've recently completed a project checking a large amount of content for spelling and grammar mistakes - around 250,000 words per month - for a personal injury accident management firm. I'm also happy to undertake smaller projects, including checking single web pages, blog entries and press releases. Other recent projects have included work on the government's GOV.UK website, as well as the Disability Jobsite and Ethnic Jobsite websites. Currently I'm working with VAT Vakuumventile AG, a Swiss-based valve manufacturer. They're having their product brochures and case studies translated into English and I'm checking the translations to make sure that the translated versions are perfect. For a no-obligation quote, please fill in the form on the Quote Request page. Alternatively, you can email your requirements, including the document that you need proof read if applicable, to: |
NewsVAT Vakuumventile AG is a global leader in the manufacture of high-performance vacuum valves. I've been proof reading product brochures and case studies for them. I've been working with the refurbished museum in Weston-super-Mare to help them develop their social media strategy. I decided to stand as a candidate in the North Somerset Council elections. I built a blog to promote my campaign. |
Morgan Bishop Limited
Registered in England & Wales, Company Number: 3603645
Registered Office: F4, Penwartha Lodge, Camp Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 2EN