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e-Business Solutionse-Business Solutions helps senior business people keep up to speed with the latest developments in e-Business and e-Commerce. It is produced by Integrated Media (UK) Ltd and is distributed as a Sunday Telegraph supplement. A recent edition concentrated on Cloud computing and I was asked to write a 2,000 word feature discussing how Cloud computing could be used to help with risk management and business continuity. Click here to read the first part of the feature. (Link opens in a new window.) Click here to read the second part of the feature. (Link opens in a new window.) |
NewsRecent work I've been doing on drone insurance has reminded me of work I did for Telerisk a while back. Salon Gold operates an insurance scheme for the hair & beauty sector and I've been providing content that explains those schemes to their clients. I've been writing content for Tradesman Saver that explains their construction insurance scheme to their clients. |
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